Rolfing Structural Integration can alleviate the symptoms associated with Scoliosis. Rolfing is a form of physical manipulation that has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including scoliosis and other curvatures of the spine.
Scoliosis can't be corrected, as in cured, in any age group; scoliosis is an incurable, progressive condition. Proactive treatment, however, can help counteract the condition's progressive nature by strengthening the spine and its surrounding muscles and reducing scoliosis on a structural level.
Rather than directly treating the spine itself, Rolfing practitioners instead focus on balancing the body with the following benefits:
Overall, Rolfing Structural Integration provides a complementary approach to traditional scoliosis treatments, focusing on improving alignment, reducing pain, and enhancing mobility.
Reading articles and especially research takes effort… but sometimes you have to do the deep dive. This list of articles and research papers explore scoliosis and Rolfing’s role in dealing with the condition in more depth and describe clinical studies and the other research ongoing in the field of Fascia research.
Helen James, MPT
By Rebecca Carli-Mills, Rolf Movement® Instructor, Certified Advanced Rolfer™
Important Note: It's important to note that Rolfing, like any alternative medicine, may not work for everyone, and its effectiveness can vary from person to person. It is recommended that individuals consult with their healthcare provider should they have any health issues before beginning any new treatment approach, including Rolfing, to ensure it is appropriate for their condition.